
"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily." - ZigZiglar

Sunday, December 6, 2020

When self-Improvement Becomes A Hinderance

I am not one of those people who needs to create a controversy to get attention. Personally speaking, I hate getting too much attention. However, there are those articles that I have been reading on the internet which require me to speak up. 

We are all flawed, no one is perfect. I guess there would be no one on the face of this Earth who in his/her right senses would deny this. This being said, it automatically means that there is scope for self-improvement. 

Self-improvement becomes a hindrance only when we expect miracles to happen instantly. We tend to forget that it took us years to acquire and perfect those habits we are currently trying to change. However, we expect things to change happen overnight.

Besides,  we expect perfection instead of improvement, wherein lies the biggest problem of all. As I often say, this is self-improvement, not self-perfection, we need to accept that we will never be perfect and always remain flawed to a certain degree. This acceptance will help reduce the expectation we have to a realistic level.

Self- improvement is also a lonely journey. It's you with yourself, a long drawn journey and it is easy to give up. Not many are comfortable with themselves.

It is also a place where the fire is turned on you, by you, so it could become very uncomfortable at times. 

The journey of self-discovery and self-improvement is never smooth or easy. It needs total commitment and continuous action. 

Therefore, when I read about how self-improvement is a farce and a failure it makes me want to laugh, it is a  farce to those who give up easily or are not totally committed to the journey.

It is hard for those who aren't ready to face hardships, perhaps not everyone is fit for the self-improvement journey. 

The journey of self-discovery and self-improvement is what has brought stability peace and happiness into my life. I can vouch for it!!

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