
"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily." - ZigZiglar

Monday, December 19, 2011

Love yourself - self love part -2

sofspics - self-love
Continued ...http://mindspacearena.blogspot.in/2011/12/love-yourself-how-to-love-yourself.html

I read this somewhere, libido is the one thing that never stops giving... Speaking of love... I would like to reiterate that true love never stops giving. While lust and libido do go on and keep looking for fresher pastures, true love gives. Love yourself.
I brought this up here to say that, you need to love yourself every minute of the day, everyday of the year and every year of your life.
Loving yourself brings out the best in you. Yesterday, I was at a party, I dressed with care (I hardly ever do that) and told myself that I look beautiful. I just entered the hall and a young man I have known for a long time, walked up to me and said , “Ooh la la ... do you look pretty?”
This was followed by a many other compliments, and I left wonderful. Can you see what a little self love could do, I haven’t thought of myself as ‘beautiful’ in a long time.
You need to love yourself before the world loves you. Your inner feeling shows up outside, on your appearance, on your countenance, in your attitude.
Loving yourself means cutting self criticism out, being realistic is different from being cynical and being your own enemy. You  have enough people to be negative towards you...don’t add to the numbers.
Loving yourself is to be positive. To believe in yourself and believe that your best is yet to come. This is an amazing way to live life. Everyday is something to look forward to, no matter what you are going through. Try it. It works all the time.
Love yourself and stop worrying, oh those darned worry lines, I guess you hate them as much as I do. Quit worrying, laugh more, have fun. I promise you, you will look much younger.
Enjoy what you do. Make each thing that you do, a real fun thing. Then you will live life without regrets.
Never give up, on yourself. Trust yourself, trust your abilities your potential. Sometimes you need to learn to trust yourself more than you trust others. Trusting yourself is to love yourself without doubt. Trust is the highest form of love. Self-love begins with self trust.
Make time for yourself. Well if you ask me, this is one area in which I really need to work. We so often put others and their needs above ourselves that sometimes we do ourselves more harm than good.
No again, I am not speaking about being narcissistic. I am not speaking about self love to the exclusion of others. I an talking about making time for yourself, your exercises, relaxation, family time, a little pampering of yourself. Work is important, but work is not everything. Love yourself.

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